The 10 Most Effective Thigh Workout All Time

The 10 most Effective Thigh workout All Time

thigh workout jumping exercise
Right up there with getting six-pack abs, the thighs are a region that many women love to target in the gym. Here's the thing: You can't spot reduce. What you can do is develop more lean muscle in a targeted area. When combined with a healthy diet and overall weight-loss (if that’s necessary), these 10 thigh workout moves can help you build a strong lower body. (Related: A Love Letter to My Thighs)
These thigh exercises go beyond just your thighs, though; they'll strengthen your hamstrings, glutes, and calves and even hit your core too.
How it works: Do all 10 in succession with no rest in between. Then repeat the circuit one or two more times. Do this full thigh workout three or four days a week. Or, pick three or four of your favorite thigh workout moves and add them into your existing routine for an extra dose of lower-body strengthening.Expl


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